
Mostrando entradas de junio, 2018

Deep culture in the Elementary School.

Deep culture in the Elementary School.

Cultural and Psychology

Micaela Libby  06/06/2018 TESOL 103  Cultural and Psychology  "Cultural psychology is the study of the way cultural traditions and social practices regulate, express, and transform the human psyche, resulting less in psychic unity for humankind than in ethnic divergences in mind, self, and emotion."   Richard Shweder Everyone have their own culture. Maybe some cultures we like and maybe other not. But we are no here to judge. We are here just to learn and respect. That is what I am going to say on  my classroom when I saw differences. We are not better than other. All the students that are here on this room to my eyes are the same, PEOPLE, and everyone would need to see your next with the same way.  Remember who you are. Remember where you are from. Remember what your parents taught you about respect and love and lets apply this here.  We don't will call our companions with nicknames that can hurt them. Everyone has their own name and we are going to

Difference in Manners

Micaela Libby 06/05/2018 TESOL 103 Difference in Manners I think that difference in manners is something cultural but also personal too. Talking about cultural I had a lot of fun experiences having trouble to communicate with other people when I was on my mission (Brazil) and when I came to live in USA.  Like I said on other blog that I wrote, in Argentina we use a lot of hand gestures, a lot.  I didn't have idea how much we use it until I came to USA. A lot of things that I was doing always was wrong here and I felt that I cannot do anything and not offend someone else.  Now I remember those experiences and I laugh and is funny to me but before that was not funny.  In Argentina we don't use our fingers to eat. We use the knife, bread to put the food to the fork and eat. I was in shock when I came to USA and I saw on the restaurant, people putting their fingers on the food and after eat that. To me that is super disgusting but is something that a lot of peopl

Cross-Cultural Students in the Classroom

Micaela Libby  06/04/2018 TESOL 103  Cultural Students in the  Classroom I think that during on the classroom, needs to have equally for all the students. The teacher doesn't need to be judge for the students and also the students don't need to be judge for the teacher. Everyone on the classroom need to respect all the people that are there to learn.  The teacher would need to search about the countries were her/his students are from. Doing this, would help to develop a better lesson.  Also, I think students need to respect the teacher always and do what the teacher says. Because the teacher wants the best for them and they need o know it.  I think that would be good let the students at the end of the class say something about the class or write in a paper an anonymous feedback about  how they felt on the classroom and also what the teacher can do to develop a better lesson.  Opinions and tolerance are important but also for everything we have a

Attributional Tendencies

Micaela Libby 06/02/2018 TESOL 103 Attributional Tendencies Is so easy to judge others the would like to say that we forgot our self. I didn't have idea that to judge our self or other had a name that is the Attributional Tendencies.  I often can hear people said "wow, you never won", "I had good luck". And this can be classifieds as Internal Attributions  and External Attributions.  So now, how can we control it during the lesson in our classroom?  Is easy to judge, but also is not easy to recognize that is wrong.  During the classroom the teacher can explain what is attributional tendencies and that would be allowed to have an opinion and say what they think but working together we can have like a "Discussion Board" where we can learn about the opinion of others and respect everyone. Also, nobody is perfect so that's why like Carlos Romani said on his blog  "Failure and success are part of our temporary existence" an