Cross-Cultural Students in the Classroom

Micaela Libby 

 Cultural Students in the


I think that during on the classroom, needs to have equally for all the students. The teacher doesn't need to be judge for the students and also the students don't need to be judge for the teacher. Everyone on the classroom need to respect all the people that are there to learn. 

The teacher would need to search about the countries were her/his students are from. Doing this, would help to develop a better lesson. 

Also, I think students need to respect the teacher always and do what the teacher says. Because the teacher wants the best for them and they need o know it. 
I think that would be good let the students at the end of the class say something about the class or write in a paper an anonymous feedback about  how they felt on the classroom and also what the teacher can do to develop a better lesson. 

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Opinions and tolerance are important but also for everything we have a limit and rules. Would be interesting to have a classroom with different cultures. I am exciting to  have that opportunity  to learn and progress with the student's help. 

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