Difference in Manners
Micaela Libby
Difference in Manners
I think that difference in manners is something cultural but also personal too. Talking about cultural I had a lot of fun experiences having trouble to communicate with other people when I was on my mission (Brazil) and when I came to live in USA.
Like I said on other blog that I wrote, in Argentina we use a lot of hand gestures, a lot. I didn't have idea how much we use it until I came to USA. A lot of things that I was doing always was wrong here and I felt that I cannot do anything and not offend someone else.
Now I remember those experiences and I laugh and is funny to me but before that was not funny.

In Argentina we don't use our fingers to eat. We use the knife, bread to put the food to the fork and eat. I was in shock when I came to USA and I saw on the restaurant, people putting their fingers on the food and after eat that. To me that is super disgusting but is something that a lot of people do here.
Don't talk if you have your month full of food. I was thinking that only kids do that but not. Not everybody have that manner.
If you sneeze, cover your mouth with your arm. Do not use your hands. That is what I say to my husband all the time and he is 45 years old.

Would be interesting to know students of other countries and their about it and see the difference in manners.
I think that all the themes that we were reading are connected one each other and all to me, comeback to have an opinion and also respect your next. Nobody is like you, nobody is like me.
During the classroom would be interesting talk about it and put rules or goals to everyone feel well and respected on the classroom.
But, How I will do that? I don't know. But I will need to search and fine information to help the students to understand this differences.
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