Cultural Paradigms

Lesson 5
 Cultural Paradigms
Carlos Fuentes said, "We shall know each other or we shall exterminate each other".
If you have to chose one of this 2 options, what option would you chose; to know or to exterminate? I was thinking a lot about this and I think that I lot of people do both at the same time and also I including my self here. 

In Argentina we like to say "In the table there is no discussion of politics, sports or religion". But now, I would like to add "Cultures". After saw this video my mind opened and all that we see we try to interpret the world around us making a paradigms and forgetting that everyone have a culture and a life and we cannot interfere on it.

Would you like to the people see you happy, beautiful, smart? What do you want that people think about you? Do you think that you are unique? What do you think about you? and what do you think about the people that is next to you? 

The paradigms that we use to interpret the world around us can make sad others people, because the same way that you think about other people they think about you. We don't need to judge, we don't need to discriminate, we need just learn how to love one each other and know each other and don't exterminate like Carlos Fuentes said. Respect each other and respect culture is the key to show love to the world. 
As a future teacher of TESOL, I will apply this lesson to them in the way to show my students that we need to respect all the cultures that would be during our classroom. I will do activities to the students do something at the begging of each class to introduce their self and show us a little of their culture. I will have the obligation that all my students know about each other and to have the opportunity to learn together. 

This information to know about culture and paradigms are important to me because I am a person, I have my own culture and would like that everyone respect me, so if I want this to myself I will need to do the same with others and show how important this is to me and for everybody. 

Micaela Libby


  1. Thank you for your thoughts. I like how you gave examples of how one may help students learn to respect other cultures. I think that it is a great idea to provide activities to students to help them become more united and to allow them to learn more about each others' cultures. I think in my experience those who have been given the opportunity to learn more about their classmates become a lot more motivated to learn.

    1. I think that to know about other cultures opens door to have friends around the world and earn a new knowledge too.

  2. This is very important to know. We always will face cultural problems, so we need to learn how to manage it. In Brazil we say the same thing ""In the table there is no discussion of politics, sports or religion". lol.
    But I guess that it's better... if I start to talk about soccer and the 5 World Championships of my country.... (just kidding.... this cultural issue can starts a war. lol)


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